Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Tottie and I had a really wonderful experience on Saturday - We saw MUNGO!

Even better, we talked and chatted to him, and spent quite a lot of time with him, especially in the evening when the conference was over.

Oh, it was at the DN Fight to Write conference! Mungo naturally was a guest speaker - he is king of the Nodpots after all! - and he got us jobs there so we could be with him to see him and hear him!

Sigh!! It was lovely....

Here are some photos. I was chief photographer, although other members of the team kept grabbing the camera off me.
Here we are, waiting for the conference to begin!

Doesn't he look handsome, sitting on his throne?

Don't we look great together???


Anonymous said...

Mango the pics are great. Mungo is great

Mungo said...

I hope you had a happy my first birthday